Supporting One Another in Lent through Spiritual Practices


Supporting One Another in Lent through Spiritual Practices

Dates: February 17- March 31, 2021
Time: Wednesdays 4-5:30pm EST
Cost: $132.00

(*Scholarships available upon request. Please contact Sara Beth for more information.)

The purpose of sacrificing something for Lent is to clear time and space for God to find new habitation within us and to transform us from the inside. After a year of forced sacrifice and loss, maybe we can view Lent as a time to take on a new spiritual practice this year. In the group time we will explore contemplative practices while also offering support for however we choose to travel the path of Lent this year. When others hold our intentions with us and pray for us, far more happens than when we go it alone. There will also be space as needed to process loss and sacrifice of the past year.

**Zoom link sent before first session.