Workshops are an opportunity to explore a topic in an intentional space while getting to know community members better. Sara Beth offers a variety of workshops, some of which can be adjusted for timing. Groups tend to focus around a theme and are participatory experiences, for example a focus on Advent or Lent. Both group and workshop topics can be used in retreat settings. Recent workshop topics include the following:

  • The Enneagram as a Tool for Transformation: Geared toward people with basic working knowledge of the Enneagram, this workshop provides space for learning with others how to put that knowledge into practice to bring about greater awareness.

  • Spiritual Gifts: This workshop explores what spiritual gifts are and how we might identify them in ourselves and in our communities. There is an emphasis on how these work together in community.

  • Clearness Committees: Clearness committees are an application of Friends’ discernment processes applied to an individual or even an organization. A process of listening for God’s movement in a specific situation, usually around an area where a decision needs to be made, this workshop provides everyone an opportunity to learn the process of discernment while actually experiencing this clarity around a specific area in their lives as well. Sara Beth can also facilitate a clearness process for individuals or groups. Allow at least two hours for either of these.

  • Why Can’t We Just Do Things My Way?—How We Prevent Change by the Ways We Try to Make it Happen: While we fear changes around us that we can’t control, we also see much we would like to change. We feed the dynamics keeping the energies of the situation stuck and often make things worse instead of better.

Other workshop topics include spiritual practices, prayer practices, etc.


Sara Beth is available for a variety of speaking engagements including prepared messages for worship. While any topics addressed on this site are possibilities, she loves being given topics or scripture passages to work with.

Spiritual direction
“God comes to us disguised as our life,” according to Paula D’Arcy. Spiritual direction is a relationship of accountability wherein we ask how God might be moving in the things life brings our way. Having another person listen for God with us helps us see and hear better between visits.

Sara Beth offers a limited number of spots for personal spiritual direction. While spiritual direction is traditionally a face-to-face conversation, the internet makes face-to-face possible over distance and time zones.

You can also find spiritual directors in your area through the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation at or Spiritual Directors International at

Spiritual Direction Payment

I charge $80/session for Spiritual Direction.
And, I don’t want cost to keep you from getting the spiritual care you need.
I’ll work with any circumstances.