Imagining the Word offers opportunities to know God and ourselves more deeply. We offer spiritual nurture for people committed to being Light-bearers in this world. Since Love comes to us as we are ready and able to receive, we offer these resources in multiple formats.
Upcoming Events
“Advent Waiting,” a 3-session virtual gathering led by Sara Beth Terrell, invites reflection on Advent themes in a year of waiting and uncertainty. Using contemplative prayer exercises, we will ask what we might learn from the dark places we’ve been as we anticipate the Light coming into our lives in new ways.
“Advent Waiting,” a 3-session virtual gathering led by Sara Beth Terrell, invites reflection on Advent themes in a year of waiting and uncertainty. Using contemplative prayer exercises, we will ask what we might learn from the dark places we’ve been as we anticipate the Light coming into our lives in new ways.
“Advent Waiting,” a 3-session virtual gathering led by Sara Beth Terrell, invites reflection on Advent themes in a year of waiting and uncertainty. Using contemplative prayer exercises, we will ask what we might learn from the dark places we’ve been as we anticipate the Light coming into our lives in new ways.
Guided Prayer Meditations
In the season of Advent, as we wait actively for the One who is coming into the word in new ways this year, the work of preparation is to let go all the old ways of seeing and hearing and speaking that block awareness of Sacred Presence. We let go the habits of being and doing taking up space, claiming our attention and our life energy.
Sara Beth's Reflections
A friend keeps quoting James Findlay at me recently, asserting that God does not promise to preserve us from anything, but promises to sustain us in everything.
This isn’t the God we want most of the time, is it? A God who is with us, the literal translation of Immanuel.
Evelyn's Reflections
The story of Jephthah’s daughter has been on my heart for the last several years. I have thought about it often and wondered what this story can teach us. This story, which is told in Judges 11, is about Jephthah, a commander in the Israelite army, and his unnamed daughter.
God's Economy of Gift
We all have gifts and all of our gifts are necessary and important for the whole community to function well and be healthy. Our gifts are a treasure map hidden piece by piece inside each of us. We can’t find the treasure unless we decide to value and lift up all the pieces.
Guest Reflections
During these days of huge uncertainty, the more we can practice ways of centering, grounding and caring for our spirits, the better off we will be and the more use we will be to others. Monica Citty Hix offered a variety of ways to do this in her latest blog for Inner Ground. I’m delighted Monica agreed to let me share these with all of you as a guest post. My apologies for not being able to replicate her beautiful layout exactly.
We hear God’s voice best with others who are also listening for it or with those who have a commitment be present and open to greater awareness of themselves and to be Love in the world. READ MORE ABOUT HOW WE CAN SUPPORT YOU.