On Being Yeast

Feeling overwhelmed, insignificant and helpless one day last week, I asked for guidance and help. An image arose, bringing immediate relief and banishing my fear for the world.

I saw people first from one end of the country to the other and then all around the world simply as yeast. Millions of us who will never know each other, probably never agree with each other, rarely meet more than a few others, and we are all yeast bringing light and air right where we’ve been plunked down in life. All that matters is bringing light and air to the places where we are. That’s all we need to do.

“The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in three measures of flour until all of it was leavened” (Matt 13:33), Jesus tells us. If we are being yeast in our world, we are already participating in the kin-dom of God! The powers-that-be operate with shows of power, domination and violence, all those things intended to intimidate us into giving up. They thrive on our fear, anger and hurt. Yeast may be small and invisible, but it is not helpless. Yeast silently, slowly, surely changes all the ingredients into something good and life-giving. It may take a while for the loaf to rise, and the loaf may be punched down again—and again, and again. The yeast just keeps bringing air and light and transforming everything around it into life.

What will bring light and air today? Paul’s list includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, generosity, faith and self-control. I would add humility and compassion and loving ourselves. God is faithful to lead us in what is ours to do if we are willing to listen. Obedience to God’s nudges, large or small, brings light and air.

All we have to do is bring air and light to this moment. If it feels too hard, as Mr. Rogers said, look for the helpers. Just as sourdough starter needs to be fed, we all need our yeast self to be recharged now and then. Just remember, there are so many yeast people out there just being yeast! We are not alone. We don’t have to know or agree with or be like any of the others to do what is ours to do. This is how Love wins! Working together, we leaven the whole loaf. The kin-dom of heaven is right here, right now. And when we bring air or light to this day, we’re already there.